30 Day Money Back Guarentee
Hey, we know it's hard to believe a product that sounds too good to be true. That's why we proudly offer a 30-day money back guarantee!
How to claim a refund:
1. To be eligible for a refund, an individual must have purchased the product from our store
2. On the day your order is delivered, send an email to our customer service representative with the subject line "90-Day Money Back Guarantee".
3. Try our product for at least 40 days, but no more than 30 days, from the date of purchase.
3. If you are not completely satisfied with the performance of our product, send an email to the customer service representative through the same email chain to share your comments and refund request.
4. Upon approval, return the product (in its original packaging) to the address provided by our customer service representative via a trackable mail service.
5. Incomplete, illegible, or illegible claims will be deemed invalid.
The actual postage cost of shipping and returning the product is the sole responsibility of the claimant and is non-refundable.
6. Upon return, we will refund the purchase price of the product.